The book explains the employment opportunities available in central government in India . The target readers are job-seekers.The contents of the book are as follows:

Section I- General Information
1. Government set up
2. Defence Services
3. Civil Services
4. Methods of Recruitment
5. Union Public Service Commission
6. Staff Selection Commission
7. Railway Recruitment Boards
8. Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board
9. Defence Research & Development Service (DRDS)
10. Department of Atomic Energy
11. Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)
12. Indian Space Research Organisation(ISRO) 
Section II- Eligibility Conditions
1. Eligibility Conditions for joining the Indian Army
2. Eligibility Conditions for joining the Indian Navy
3. Eligibility Conditions for joining the Indian Air Force
4. Eligibility Conditions for joining as Doctors, Dentists and Nurses in the Armed Forces
5. Eligibility Conditions for taking the examinations conducted by the Union Public Service Commission
6. Eligibility Conditions for taking the examinations conducted by the Staff Selection Commission
Section III- Selection procedures in the Defence Services 
1. Selection procedure for recruitment of officers in the Army, Navy and the Airforce
2. Selection Procedure for recruitment of Soldiers in the Army
3. Selection Procedure for recruitment of Sailors in the Navy
4. Selection Procedure for recruitment of Airmen in the Air Force
Section IV- Schemes of U.P.S.C Examinations
1. Civil Services Examination 
2. Special Class Railway Apprentices' Examination
3. National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination
4. Indian Economic Service / Indian Statistical Service Examination
5. Geologists' Examination
6. Indian Forest Service Examination
7. Engineering Services Examination
8. Central Police Forces (Assistant Commandants) Examination
9. Combined Medical Services Examination
10.Combined Defence Services Examination {Including SSC (Women Non Technical) Course}
Section V- Schemes of S.S.C Examinations1.Combined Graduate Level Examination
2. Subordinate Account Service Apprentice (CGDA) Examination
3. Stenographers Grade ‘C’ & Grade ‘D’ Examination
4. Combined (Higher Secondary Level (10+2) (for Data Entry Operator, LDCs etc.) Examination
5. Junior Engineer (Civil& Electrical) Examination
Section VI- Appendices
Appendix-1-A brief overview of benefits available to central government employees in civil services and posts
Appendix-2 - Addresses of various Zonal Recruiting offices/ Branch Recruiting Offices who conduct rallies for recruitment of Soldiers in the Indian Army.
Appendix-3 - Model Syllabus for Group ‘X’ (Technical) for Airmen in the Indian Airforce
Appendix-4- Model Syllabus for Group ‘Y’ for Airmen in the Indian Airforce
Appendix-5- Model Syllabus for National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination conducted by the U.P.S.C
Appendix-6-Model Syllabus for Combined Defence Services Examination {including SSC (Women Non Technical) Course} conducted by the U.P.S.C 
Appendix-7- Model Syllabus for the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination conducted by the U.P.S.C.
Appendix-8-Model Syllabus for the Graduate level Examination conducted by the S.S.C.
Appendix-9-Model Syllabus for the Subordinate Account Service Apprentice (CGDA) Examination conducted by the S.S.C.
Appendix-10-Model Syllabus for the Stenographers Grade ‘C’ and Grade ‘D’ Examination conducted by the S.S.C.
Appendix-11-Model Syllabus for the Combined (Higher Secondary Level (10+2) (for Data Entry Operator, LDCs etc.) Examination conducted by the S.S.C.
Appendix-12- Model Syllabus for the Junior Engineers (Civil & Electrical) Examination conducted by the S.S.C.
Appendix-13-Training Institutions of the Armed Forces
Appendix-14-Pre-Induction Training for officers in Indian Air Force

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